Monday, September 25, 2006


These are some of the flowers still blooming in the flowerbeds around our house. These fall mums are among my favorites.

these daisy like flowers have bloomed beautifully all summer.

Our garage was brightened by hanging pots of mini petunias.
What could be better in fall, than fresh pumpkin pie made with pumpkins grown in our own garden. Hailey really enjoyed her first taste and willl gladly be your friend if you will share your pie with her. Posted by Picasa


Fall is in the air and the nights are getting cooler and the trees are changing from green to their glorious fall colors. This ash tree grows on our lawn and we can enjoy it's beauty from our dining room window.
We took a drive out to the Pembina Hills on Saturday and enjoyed the colors on display there.

Come and visit us and you will be greeted by this cheerful scarecrow and fall bounty. I love the colors of fall and decided to decorate and celebrate the season. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This did remind one of years gone by.

Oh right, forgot to tell you about the wedding. This is view of the parking lot. This takes a few more outdoor ushers than what we would be use to. Very well done. Posted by Picasa

Why to Mifflinburg you ask. okay it's more friends. MDS friends from last winter at the Gulf. I worked all week with a John David and his wife Louise. We also spent time with the group in the evenings , and the Manitoba group got to have a great time with them. When we phoned them to check in with them John David said it should work out but little did we know that we would get to have supper with the complete group over at Marvin and Katherine Weavers. Wow. Some traveled in by van, bikes, and yes even horse and buggy. 22 of us in total in a transformed one room school house. With a full moon in the sky we left the gathering with many interesting stories having been shared.
We spent the night with the Martins and then over to the Jerry and Elva's for a big breakfast. Then took the four wheeler with the four footer over to the one room school house to checkup on the apx 20 students. After this we filled up the 12 seater van and headed for the mountains for a view of the valley. The fog was just a bit much for pictures. Oh right we also stopped to see the home farm and toured the barns, steel fab. shop.
This was really a great look at life in this part of PA Thanks to all of you Posted by Picasa

Hi it is Sunday eve but i will pretend it is Wed morning the 6th of sept. We arrived at Bob and Lil's on tues around 5pm Bob just got home so we got to visit with Jordan for a little bit first. We also got to see Hayley. When Lil got home from her job we headed across town to the Outback for some great food. We think the food was good because of the good company. We had a great visit and caught up on life in
Columbus. We left early this morning but not before Bob and Jordan had gone to work. We are now on our way to Mifflenburg,Pa. the weather is warm,muggy and some fog. very lush green with just a hint of fall colors. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Jordan Rogers enjoying the kids in the swamp
and Jill with a smile for her Uncle. Okay no more jumping from high trees at your age. Posted by Picasa

It is labour day monday so we had to have a walk in the Celery Bog. The weather was perfect and the kids found the four toed tree. A very enjoyable walk in the forest with June and Marc and Jil and Jordan and the only damage was a bump to the head to Jill from the four toed tree.
This trail area is about a mile and half from their place. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hi to all. We left Manitoba yesterday"in the morning" and had a good drive. We got in two naps, an hour for lunch at this nature center in MPS. and took almost an hour for dinner and still made it south of Chicago. The stop at the nature center for lunch included a walk about in "the swamp" so i included my favorite nature and also a few ducks for Hailey. Today we plan to be at my sisters by lunch and spend Labour day with them. We drove in some rain but not to much. The crops vary alot with some good and others very poor
This was a floating walk way and just about fell off when i backed up to take the picture. Jo would have enjoyed it more if I had. sorry maybe next time
So many lily pads the ducks had to fight for their space. Posted by Picasa