Friday, September 09, 2011

Summer fun!

Summer is gone, although the temperatures seem to prove otherwise, but the calendar says that it is time to get back to routine. Summer seemed to pass too quickly but we did get to enjoy some family times. Our plan to have a family time at the cottage got changed when the winter wheat needed to be harvested that weekend. Kristy and Graham came out from BC and we spent some good time with them, and had our family and cousin times here. One of the things the kids liked to do was play in the hot tub. We cooled down the temperature so it was more like a swimming pool and they enjoyed splashing and playing in there. There was pedicure time with auntie Kristy for whoever wanted their toenails done in pink camoflage. There were family meals in the screen porch, and times of visiting with Kristy and Graham over coffee or breakfast. Mixed in with all of this was farming needs and the crop that suddenly was ready for harvest, and the garden that in spite of the dryness was producing well. I have posted just a few of the pictures in the following posts to show some of our activities this summer. It was a good summer, busy but good, and maybe I will get around to posting some more pictures . I didn't always have my camera around at the right time, so didn't get pictures of all our activities. Anyway, enjoy`1

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some of that cousin fun included a makebelieve campfire. It is great to see little imaginations at work and how much fun that can be. Who needs expensive toys? Some camping chairs, a bowl for a makebelieve campfire, and some dirt to poke in makes for some great entertainment.

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summer fun

The cousins got to get reaquainted as well this summer and had some fun times together.

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For some reason, most of my picture taking this summer didn't show a lot of Nolan, but I do have a couple to share. He is also continuing to grow and is learning to talk, although he is kinda shy so we don't hear too much chatter from him yet. He likes books and puzzles, and he is a daddy and papa boy. He likes to see the equipment on the yard and watch it work, and he knows where mama keeps the snacks and cookies, and he still likes me to come downstairs and play with him. He does enjoy his cousins and the times they get to play together in the playroom and isn't so shy then.

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Kristy and Graham and the girls came out to visit at the end of July. Graham was here for 2 weeks and then had to get back to work, but Kristy and the girls stayed for another 10 days, and so we got re-aquainted with Shae, having last seen her in spring, she had changed a lot, and didn't really remember her grammy and papa. That was all changed by the time they left. She was busy crawling when they came, but was learning to pull her self up on things and loved to be walked around by whoever was willing. We hear that now walking on her own is her preferred method of getting where she wants to go. She loved to stand by the front door and look out and see what was happening in the wider world out there. She explored the house on all fours, and we had to keep on our toes to keep up with her and make sure she was staying out of trouble. I had to do some quick rescue of some of my things. (I hadn't thought to childproof the house). She is growing and changing so fast but we were glad to have this time to cuddle her, and get to know this busy little lady, and we miss her now that she is back home.

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Lukas is growing up so fast it seems. He is usually happy and still has a killer smile. At the beginning of the summer he was mostly happy to play from a stomach position, but by the time a month or two had passed, he was sitting up and playing with toys. He would love to be able to play with his brother but so far isn't mobile enough and so has to sit and watch and laugh at what his brother is doing. He is pretty ticklish and that is an easy way to make him laugh. We are just enjoying him.

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cottage in July

Early in July we had a small window of opportunity to head up to the cottage for 2 days and a night. The weather was great and we enjoyed the sunshine and the water and the beach . Erik and Amber, Hailey, Jayda and Madelyn were there as well and the girls enjoyed the water (and watersports?!)as well. Maybe the water more than the sports. Both Hailey and Jayda tried the skis and the wakeboard. Hailey mastered the wakeboard and enjoyed a couple of runs out on the lake, and was even cutting across the wake. Jayda didn't quite master it and decided that maybe she would wait till another time to try it again, but she was a good sport for the first go at it. And Madelyn, she was content to play in the sand and water and with her sisters. All to soon it was time to head back home, but it was a nice break.

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