Saturday, March 31, 2007

Yesterday we cycled down to Palm Desert. It took about 2 hours. We had lunch and then got on a Palm Springs bus and rode back with AC on. Temp was mid 80s by then. With no extra charge for bikes it seemed like a deal for $2.00

This morning we drove the bikes over to the other condo and then walked back up town. About 2 to 3 miles so we stopped for breakfast inbetween. Read the newspaper and had coffie. Temp got to about 87 today. Nice at the pool on my floatie. Jo read. tonight we pack up and head back to the other world
first thing in the morning.
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Time out on a sunny afternoon.
Okay sis ,, one more par

Just before sunset

A few minutes later
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good morning, its the coolest so far. temps at 45f this morning after the cold front. High wind yesterday and a bit of rain. Great shopping and exploring day. Spent time in Riverside and Moreno Valley. Then had a great steak suppper at the Dycks. Its very sunny and temps to rise to just under 80f today. Hope to golf one more round today with the Dycks before they leave. Toured up the mountains yesterday aswell. Oh Pat. that cute girl with me is my girlfriend. She looks so different when she is sitting around. Thanks for updating your blog. Tried to post to it but not sure it worked. take care to all of you

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Palm Springs sights

We took a walk this morning and these are just a few of the sights we saw as we walked along. It seems like every tree and bush is blooming and the flowers are beautiful, not to mention the subtle and delightful fragrances that we come across at times.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Hi Hailey here a few shots for you. Grandma Jo is looking at both the paper and the emails.

We also went hiking on a few trails we had not yet been on. The Palm trees are native. This is unusual for Palm Spring
seeing most of the palms have been brought in from Eygpt. The weather was nice for hiking. we did about 4 miles in the moutains. This felt like about 10 miles on the sidewalk. We had taken a few containers of water in a backpack and that sure did a number on my neck . we also had lunch along so ate that over looking the desert and mountains. Okay, Olivia . this is what a one hander of me should look more like. My friends did not even recognize me on your blog. Temps are warm but not hot. Even had a bit of a sprinkle last night which sure smelled goood. The desert is very dry.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This as you can see is a table wiping cermony before lunch could start. This is from our second story condo patio overlooking part of palm springs. We just got back from a 3 hour bike ride and yes i do have a case of helmet head and the temp was about 89f so the water bottle came in handy. O , and lunch was so good. This morning is cooler so have spent the last hour doing a bunch of emails so check your emails, that is if you email us. have a good day.
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Saturday, March 17, 2007

A few pics for Hailey Luv Grandma Jo and Papa Kerry

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Hi to all wow what a change we are now back to the lucky world we some times get to have a taste of. From one's brain going almost 24/7 to almost full coast. We hit palm springs at it's best when we landed on thursday 630 ps time. The sun had just slid behind the mountains and temp was about 96f and the wind was calm. We had a great flight and everthing went on schedule and bags showed up quick and all there. They even let the us deplane on the tarmac. It is always nice to walk off into PS air. The frost damage from Jan is still very visible but new growth is coming on most plants and trees. The grass is green and the palm trees did not get hurt and the fruit trees look better than normal with trucks loads of fruit. With the heat the last week the trees are blooming like silly and the smell is incredible. We are still staying over at Decors condo but will move tommorow to our little nest further into downtown. We stayed there last year so we know what to expect. It has a different feel but is still very nice. We have been walking alot morning and evening and enjoying the pool when the heat is in, which lasts from about 930am to 500pm. We have shopped just a little so far so Mom wants abit more over the next week or so. Its been to hot for most golfers with the courses looking empty in the afternoon. The cool down is coming so will get our chance for that yet. It's just so nice to be schedule less so far. Larry and Sylvia(my sister) are planning to show up at 625pm today so will pick them up at the airport. Its about 2 miles away from here. Thanks so much for all your prayers over the last few months. We know God was taking care of us and giving us energy and direction. The new leaders out in Diamond where planning to stay a month but had to leave in a hurry last week due to health issues back home. Please keep praying for the Diamond project and the people that are part of our life there.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dora the Explorer

We have our own little Dora the Explorer, except her name is Hailey. Hailey spent the day here on Saturday and she had a lot of fun playing in the tent that Grandma Jo brought from down south, not to mention the fun of looking at the world through the wrong end of the binoculars and looking really pretty with a good supply of Mardi Gras beads.
Another favorite past time at Grandma's is playing with the buttons in Grammy's button box.
Scenes from the boys' day out. They decided the time had come for a day of ice fishing and the weather was very co-operative offering sunshine and mild temps. They set up at Big Whiteshell and proceeded to enjoy the day, but caught only 5 fish before the day ended.
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Friday, March 09, 2007

Our new builds

When we left, Erica's house was looking different than on this picture. The windows and the doors were in, the gables were finished up and the Tyvek was wrapped around the house. The decks and stairs were done and work was continuing inside.
At our second new build, we got the chain wall poured. The concrete block pillars were being mortared into place, and it was about ready for the main beams by the time we left for home. I'm sure by now the pictures would look quite different. It is good to know the work continues even if we had to leave. There is a good crew continuing on where we left off and we wish them well as they carry on. Posted by Picasa

Joe's house

Another home with a lot of history for us. We met Joe last year when we shingled his house, thanks to some volunteers from Kentucky. This year he was waiting for us again and our friendship continued as we again helped him get his home ready to move into. If he hasn't moved in yet, he will soon. The house looks beautiful and his family is very excited to finally have more space again. His young son has spent a good amount of time just running around in the house, enjoying the freedom of space. We held the dedication early, but we were going home soon . Joe was very pleased and thankful for all that had been done to help him get back into his home. We presented Joe and family with one of the comforts that Elma had made, a Behind the Hammer book and an orange tree. Before the storm, Joe had a lot of fruit trees in his yard, but they were all lost and so he was very excited to get another one. Just one more small thing on the way to getting back to normal again.

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