Sunday, September 10, 2006

Why to Mifflinburg you ask. okay it's more friends. MDS friends from last winter at the Gulf. I worked all week with a John David and his wife Louise. We also spent time with the group in the evenings , and the Manitoba group got to have a great time with them. When we phoned them to check in with them John David said it should work out but little did we know that we would get to have supper with the complete group over at Marvin and Katherine Weavers. Wow. Some traveled in by van, bikes, and yes even horse and buggy. 22 of us in total in a transformed one room school house. With a full moon in the sky we left the gathering with many interesting stories having been shared.
We spent the night with the Martins and then over to the Jerry and Elva's for a big breakfast. Then took the four wheeler with the four footer over to the one room school house to checkup on the apx 20 students. After this we filled up the 12 seater van and headed for the mountains for a view of the valley. The fog was just a bit much for pictures. Oh right we also stopped to see the home farm and toured the barns, steel fab. shop.
This was really a great look at life in this part of PA Thanks to all of you Posted by Picasa


At 9:18 AM, Blogger Amber said...

Thanks for letting us know a bit of what you have been up to. Looking forward to your return!! We miss you!

Hailey was pretending to talk on the phone yesterday. She said "Hello? Papa? Home?" I think she was wondering when her Grandma & Grandpa are coming home :)


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