Monday, July 15, 2013

Cottage time

 Back in early June we headed out the spend our first weekend of the summer at the cottage, and hopefully it will not be the last.  The weather was cool and windy, the water was rough, but we had a good time anyway.  We did some work to get the cottage ready for the summer, and we also played.  There was plenty of fishing happening, some learning to fish, some a little more experienced but still needing to have daddy take the fish off the hook, and of course the experienced ones who caught (and released ) many fish that weekend.  It is always fun to see the grandkids enjoying the outdoors, the water, and the indoors.  It was a good weekend, enjoy the pictures.

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Wednesday, July 03, 2013


 Birthdays are great.  The little ones love them, they are so excited about getting a year older, and we celebrate with them.  They have so much promise and potential and we are happy to see them growing happy and healthy, safe and secure.
 Nolan turned four back in April.  Every birthday has to have candles to mark every year, and to blow out.  It is a birthday rite, and Nolan had to blow his out a couple of times so we could get some picture.

 He is a very practical, hands on guy and so Lego was a great gift for him.  He (along with his daddy) love to put these Lego projects together.  He is always following after daddy or papa and loves to help them, and he is a help, not a hindrance.  He enjoys working on the farm, and helps mommy out in the kitchen too, or gramma if he is here.   He enjoys the outdoors, and playing with his brother Lukas and loves baby brother Colby and is looking forward to attending pre-school come fall.
 Jayda turned 6 in May.  She is growing up so fast and is a beautiful little lady.  I kept telling her she couldn't turn six, but she just looked at me in her wise way and said "Gramma, that's not going to happen"  She is full of energy and loves to be active.   She loves her sisters and her friends and is always willing to give her gramma and papa hugs.  She finished kindergarten and is quite ready for grade One come fall.  She had the tiniest birthday cake ever when we celebrated her birthday here, and had to take a big breath to blow out her many candles, but she did it.We have such precious and beautiful grandkids and I am often overwhelmed  by this privilege.  We love them so much, and   I am challenged to pray, pray without ceasing for these little ones growing up in this changing and challenging world, and for their parents as they train them and teach them.  In the meantime we are loving and enjoying this time in our lives with our grandkids.
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