Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Blessing!

We were very happy this morning to receive a phone call saying that the newest little Eidse had finally arrived. It is our pleasure to introduce to you........................................ Lukas Grady Eidse, son of Shaun and Vicki, and 7th grandchild , and 2nd grandson for us. He arrived around 6:30 this morning, the 28th of January, and weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and measured 21 1/4 inches long.

We went in this afternoon, taking Nolan and Vicki's mom with us and introduced Nolan to his little brother, and got to meet this newest member of our family. He is looking good, and slept the whole time we were there. He fits just perfectly into our arms, and of course, has found his way into our hearts also.

Nolan, mommy and baby brother sharing a story.

We had to take of his little hat to get to see that he has a head full of dark hair. Grammy Jo is looking forward to lots of cuddles with this little one soon. If all goes well, he and his mommy may be coming home tomorrow afternoon.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting Started !

We've been busy shopping these last weeks. January has been designated shopping month and we are making progress. Things are getting crossed off of THE LIST! My sewing room has been put on the back burner for a while, in fact it is being used as the play room, but things are changing. Back in fall we had stopped in at a store in Kelowna that sells sewing machines and I found the one I wanted, but we decided not to buy it out there even though the price was good. Warranty issues , etc, and we weren't really ready yet. But now we were and so we started researching some more and it was still the one I wanted. Last Friday we went in to Wpg with the intention of buying a sewing machine. We were waiting at the store before they even unlocked the door, and wonder of wonders, they had one in stock and I could take it home right away. As you can see, it is a JANOME. Kristy had bought one about a year ago, a Janome machine, that is, and she recommended it as she was very happy with hers. I of course had to go for the top of the line and pay more but it is supposed to be a good machine. I wanted one that could hem jeans, and mend pants, do regular sewing and fancy stuff as well as quilt. Well this one is supposed to fit the bill.

Here it is, my Janome Horizon. It is a pretty new machine, hasn't been on the market for very long yet, but is selling well. I hope it lives up to expectations. I could have gone back in the next day for my first lesson, but it was too soon. I don't even have any fabric in the house to experiment on. Sunday I watched the video included with the machine and learned how to wind the bobbin, thread the machine, and then, finding an old bandanna, I sewed a few seams. I only had thread because I had taken some spools with me last winter when we went south. It felt good, even if it was only practise.

Then on Monday, we were shopping again, and Kerry dropped me off at a fabric store and I bought some flannel. I had stacks of it before to make rag blankets, and so I started my new stash with these pieces you see here. Luckily there was a sale on! I love fabric! but I should have also bought the tools to cut with. I am itching to get started, but cutting each square with a scissor is a bit tedious, and not so precise, so I guess I will have to go shopping.........AGAIN! There are lots of sewing notions and things I need to make the playroom into a sewing room, but I've made the start. Maybe that new grandchild we are waiting for will be able to have a new blanket to cuddle in.
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

more extras

Shea and more

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enjoying family

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Extra pics

Christmas gift time and crafts

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extra pics


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We are still among the living

I suggested to Jo maybe it was time to blog again seeing its been over a month. Guess that was a no you do it look.

Its been a good month(mostly). We had a very good Christmas break and good times with the family. Jo will have to tell that story when she's ready.

By now most of you know that we have taken a break from MDS service this winter to try to get our "house in order". Over the last month Jo went from helping with the house building to taking care of family. That still left me to work on the house and good progress was made in the basement in the last while. A few days ago the ceiling in the basement was all done and progress made with flooring, moldings and electrical. The basement had got far enough before the gathering at christmas that we could play table tennis and the kids had a bedroom and a place to play. Our daughter Kristy and her two girls, Norah and Shea stayed with us for a few weeks.

Jayda and Hailey on this pic got to try out Grandpas new vac. New tools have to be checked out. We got to spend some time at Christmas playing outside but the weather was on the cool(cold) side and healthy people a bit scarce at times.

We are spending much time shopping now with the list in hand. We feel we have made progress but many more trips to go yet. We just got back from two days in Fargo with the car very full.

I want to thank all of you that have cared for us with cards, visits, calls, and letters(and email) and other gifts from your hearts. We are blessed to have you as our friends. Take care Kerry
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