Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cottage Weekend

We took a break from seeding last weekend and went out to the cottage. The canola was in the ground and it was too early for soybeans. Besides, why would you stay home when it is fishing season opener? That is a big deal in our family, but someone forgot to tell the fish. There were some caught but not any big ones. Erik and Amber joined us there for the weekend and we had a good time together. I think it was a win win situation for all of us. We did some work, some of us fished , and I got in a lot of playing time with the girls while Amber went out fishing. We got the water and sewer systems going as well as filling up the hot tub and getting the heat turned on to it. By Saturday morning it was nice and warm and we enjoyed it a couple of times over the next couple of days. Kerry and Erik also worked on the new dock some more as well as doing some clean up and other odd jobs around the yard. In between they went out fishing in the boat or just off the dock. Amber is an avid fisherperson too, and so I got to play with the girls while she went out .
Erik and Hailey enjoying some father -daughter time out on the dock. She is old enough to learn to fish and she was a willing student. She did very well and even graduated to a lure with a real hook before the weekend was over. She did not catch a fish though--Not yet-- and she DID NOT WANT to catch a big one.
The water was too cold but the sand toys worked in the leaves just as well. It was cool out but not windy and so we all enjoyed some time outside, even Jayda got into it. Before this she did not like to be on the ground but by the time the weekend was over, she was quite okay with it.
Hailey trying her hand at fishing.
Jayda and Grammy going for a walk.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008


Here is Kristy proudly holding the quilt that I made for Norah. I had thought I would get it done before she was born, but as it was, she was home from the hospital before it was finished.

A bunch of daffodils that were cheerfully blooming outside our door in spite of the cool temps and frosty nights and reminding us that spring would come .
A bonfire at the cottage burning up the old dock.
We enjoyed the sight of large white pelicans and many other ducks and geese on the lake this weekend. I was amazed at the size of these birds.
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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Coming to Rosenort!

Last Sunday was Norah's first visit to Rosenort. For lunch she got to go visit her Grammy Karen and Papa Rick and meet her great-gramdma Friesen. Later on in the afternoon she got to come to Grammy Jo and Papa Kerrys. This was a momentous occasion so of course we got the rest of the family over here to celebrate with us. Kristy and Graham were a bit nervous about this first trip but they did well and Norah did too. I think she likes coming out to the country and seeing her grandparents and cousins and aunties and uncles.

Hailey had seen Norah once before but now she finally got the chance to hold her and she was very excited about this. She is so happy to finally have a cousin and she can hardly wait till she will be able to play with her. For now she was quite content to hold her for a while and she was very gentle with her. Norah very obligingly had her eyes open for this whole experience .
Norah also got to meet her other great-grandparents. We invited Kerry's folks over here to meet her and they were thrilled to finally get to see her and to hold her. It is always neat to see them with any of their great-grandchildren!
And finally, a picture of Papa Kerry and Hailey just enjoying Norah. It was a good sunday, but we did miss Jayda. She couldn't come because she had a cold and it did feel empty without her.
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Grammy Jo and Papa Kerry's Pride and Joy

Here is Hailey, my friend! She often mentions that Jayda is my grand-daughter, but if I ask her if she is one too, she says No. When I ask if she is my friend, she says Yes! I am quite happy to have her for my friend and we still have good times up in the playroom. Right now our favorite game is having birthday parties, with decorations, cake, and special plates and napkins, and of course lots of doll friends to join us. Sometimes we play doctor, and use our special flannel scraps that she found in my sewing room, for bandages and casts etc. The tent is the hostaple and we take turns being Dr or patient. She spent part of last Friday afternoon in the tractor with Kerry, visiting and watching her grampa seed. Grampa said they had a good time and she agreed. She even got to share grampa's cookie. She is 3 years old now and has a loving and generous nature and when we don't see her for a couple of days we miss her. She loves her little sister and is very proud to finally be a cousin. We love you lots, Hailey!

Here is cute little Jayda. Ask her if she is cute and she will nod her head , Yes! and nobody disagrees. She is almost one and getting to be a big girl too. She has had the best smiles ever since she learned to smile and she shares them freely. She is starting to like to be read to as well and if she has a book in her hand, she will come to me, and back up to me and want to sit on my lap and be read to. I love it! She joins Hailey and me in the playroom and has to sit on a chair at the table and join in with our birthday parties too. She loves to dive into the tent, then turn around and crawl back out. Peek-a-boo is a favorite game and she enjoys playing with balls or balloons. She is busy walking and can go up the stairs, but we need to teach her to go down too. Sometimes she gets to come over early in the morning when Daddy comes to the farm to work and we get to have breakfast together. She is into birds and loves to watch them from the window. She happily goes to Kerry and she likes it when he buzzes her with his rough chin. She is a great grand-daughter #2, we couldn't imagine a better one and we love you lots Jayda!

And here is grand-daughter #3, little Norah! We don't know yet what kind of a personality she will have but we love her lots and anticipate playing with her and getting to know her better too. She came to us early but she is growing and doing well and thriving now that she is at home with her mommy and daddy! So far she is quite content and sleeps a lot , but she does look around occasionallyand we are happy for the cuddling and holding times we get with her. You are so little yet, but we love you lots too Norah!

So there they are, our 3 girls and we are thrilled to be their grand-parents. We are looking forward to having many good times with them and making lots of memories. We will probably spoil them some, but will try not to undo any of what their parents are teaching them. They are so precious and we thank God for the privilege of being their grandparents and we pray for the wisdom to be good ones.

P.S. We are looking forward to grandchild #4 sometime in late fall. Boy ? Girl? We will have to wait and see!
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