Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sunday adventures

The weather forecast for Sunday called for a sunny warm day so we decided to take the opportunity to do some exploring and sight-seeing.We took in an early church service then hopped into the car and headed out.  Destination--Natural Bridge State Park, about an hour away from camp. We took smaller scenic roads that were narrow and wound through the countryside alongside or in among the mountains, through small towns and farming areas, and then into the Daniel Boone National Forest where we felt like we were the only ones out and about that day.  Lovely!
 Along the way we came to the Nada Tunnel, that had been hand-hewn out of the mountain so that logs could be moved from one side of the mountain to the other.  It was about 1/4 mile long, and only enough room for one lane of traffic.
 The other side of the mountain, and the other entrance to the tunnel.  We got out of the car for a bit and just enjoyed the quiet.
 Continuing along we came to a spot where there was water flowing out of the mountain, and through this pipe, apparently some of the best, purest water around
 ---so we stopped and filled our water bottle,............ and it was good!
 We finally came to Natural Bridge State Park, and found a place to park and then began a hike that took us upwards for 1 mile, towards the bridge.
 Our first view of the "bridge"
 Up close to the Bridge
 We went through the bridge, and continued climbing and got to the top where we could walk over the bridge.
 Met another couple up there who wanted their picture taken, and we decided we might as well have them take ours too.  It felt like we were on top of the world, there was quite a view from up there.
 We headed back down,  can you find me?  Had to walk through a fairly narrow passage through the rocks to get back to the trail.
 We continued downwards on a different route than the one we took on the way up.  It was interesting and varied scenery and we thought these rocks looked particularly interesting.  It was good exercise and a fun hike,  and took just over an hour but we figured we had had enough exercise by the time we got back to the car.  We headed back to camp  by a different route so we could see more of KY, and then we had time for a nap before the week #4 volunteers arrived.  The weather cooperated and it turned out to be a very pleasant Sunday, weatherwise and otherwise.
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Mr. Ronald

 This house is about 30 minutes away from camp and is being built for a man whose wife died in the storm.  He and his wife and daughter were huddled together and the storm picked them up and carried them about 100 yards.  They were all found close together but the wife died, the daughter had some broken bones and Mr. Ronald also had extensive injuries and spent a long time in hospital.  This home is being built in a different spot than the original because he didn't want to go back to that spot.  Good progress was made here last week, but didn't take pictures outside.

 The last picture shows our third week group.  We had a group from Ohio, another group from Pennsylvania,  a couple from Iowa, and a young man from Manitoba.  A nice mix and another bunch of good folks who became friends and got a lot of good work done.
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Ms. Cathy

  I have not heard the story about this house, but it is being rebuilt.  See how high it is, that is because it is in a flood plain so in order to rebuild, it had to go way up.  Next it needed a ramp up to the front door, about 120 feet of it and so it needs to come around the corner.  Had a couple of men last week who were ready to tackle the job and made good progress, but did not finish before the week was over.  They had to set about 26 posts , digging in rocky frozen ground, and we had to get the city to move the water meter because one of the posts was supposed to go right on top of where the meter was.  They needed to stay warm last week, and so they had a metal garbage can where they burned wood scraps in, and then they got the idea to set it on the spot where they needed to dig the next hole, and so the ground thawed and they could warm up at the same time.

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Ms. Janet

 This is also the home of an elderly lady.  She and her sister lived in it for over 70 years, and I believe it was wrecked when a tree came down on it during the storm.  It is a cute little house, but the front door is only a couple of feet away from a busy street, and the back is up against a creek.  Right now she is living with a sister but is also very thankful for her home getting redone, and looking forward to coming home.

 These last two pictures are pretty blurry because my camera lens was dusty from all the drywall dust flying around.  We should be ready to paint here soon.
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Riverside house- Ms. Joyce

 This home is for a mother and her 2 young sons.  Don't know their story but do know that they also live in a little trailer without heat, and last week that was not a good thing.  They are hoping to be in maybe around Valentine's day.  This home needs flooring and a bunch of finishing touches and maybe mid Feb is a reasonable goal.

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Mr. Anthony & Ms. Angie

 Another home we are working on is for a family with 3 young kids.  They watched the storm from a car wash and got back home to find their house gone.  They are presently living  in a house trailer without heat, and where you can see the outdoors in places where there are no window.  They are hoping to move in soon, and the house is making good progress, the pictures here are not very up to date.

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Ms. Betty's house

 This is one of the homes we are working on, for 82 year old Ms. Betty.  She lost the house trailer and everything in it in the storm, but escaped with her life by going over to the neighbours house after hearing God tell her to "go now, BEFORE the rain".  She listened and is alive to tell about it and eagerly anticipating moving back into her house.  She keeps telling us how thankful she is and how beautiful her house is.  She did get some of her things back.  A few of her things were found in Virginia, a good 100 miles away, and mailed back to her.

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Broke Leg Falls continued

 we had some COLD weather here last week , yes even some snow.  On our trip to the falls this time the scenes were quite different, lots of ice and the most and largest icicles I have ever seen.  Gives the scenery a different but still beautiful look.   Didn't get down to the falls level because the walk was too icy but enjoy the pictures anyway.

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