Sunday, December 31, 2006

We got to Sikeston, MO at 6pm , just in time to stop at Lambert's Cafe, home of the throwed rolls. oh and also very good food. With this being the largest part of our new years party we brought in the new year with hundreds of other hungry Americans. The travel magazines do make some good recommendations. We then shopped abit at Walmart and then drove to Arkansas, about 60 miles north of Memphis, Tn.
Temps at +8c and 07 is almost upon us. Goodnight to all and thanks for your prayers.

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Once the friday party was over the focus quickly switched to New Orleans. Erik, Amber and Hailey dropped by on Saturday morning on the way to the cottage to say goodbye to us. Hailey was very cuddly to her papa E which he realy enjoyed. Thinking of not seeing her for a few months is not a good thing. But seeing the weather forcasts changing rapidly from friday night we packed in a hurry and left home by 2:45pm. We drove with very few stops and got to Sioux City by midnight. Temps rose to plus one and conditions went from light snow at home to ice, slush, and then a steady rain. We slept in a hurry and got back on the road shortly after 6 Sunday morning. Things looked good when we started but about 20 mins. on the freeway the snow hit. Wow can it snow. It felt like flakes the size of cream pies, with a bit of wind . With speeds down to 15km it looked like it could be a long trip. But thankfully after about 45 mins it slowly improved, and by noon we had broken through the ice zone. Things improved greatly and temps rose to +12c by late afternoon.

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The wedding happened in Nov but the party in Rosenort took place on Friday evening. About 150 came out to enjoy getting to know Ray&Kim Eidse. With and short program and abit of Christmas baking mixed with friends and family the evening went by in a hurry. Thanks to everone that could come. Posted by Picasa

The Funk gathering held on the 26th went well. The event was held on our turf this year, as most events seemed to be this year. Like rain, once its starts it doesn't quit. I think it went well. The ladies did the turkey/meatball meal and it was good again. A lot took to the ice beforehand and some enjoyed it from the window. Almost everbody came out which was good to see, and good to catch up on the events in peoples lives.

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas time at the Eidse house with Hailey
checking out her stocking and the boys sitting around exercising their fingers. Everbody was home and we had the whole day for just our family. Thanks kids. and also for the thoughtful gifts.

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The most fun is still in watching the little ones enjoying family and also the older ones enjoying the new kids on the block. Posted by Picasa

Family gatherings begin and some risks have to be taken and enjoyed by some more than others. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Oh shopping is serious. This girl has been trained to shop by her Dad and uncle Shaun. Get out the Canadian tire flyer and life should be good. Oh look toys and hockey sticks. This is something to dream about. Lucky for me Grandma has this comfortable spot on the living room for me to sleep while i wait for Christmas.

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Then towards the end of November we headed out to the north end of Canada to look for polar bears and moose. We ended up seeing four moose and 0 bears and also enjoyed my brother Ray getting married to Kim. It sure was cold up therre with temps at -41c when we started the drive home. The friends and family of Kim were wonderful people to meet and we sure enjoyed the warm hospitality. Congrats you two.

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Another highlight happened in early Nov. when the second sweety from the left turned about 50.
I know she looks as young as the rest of them but some of us know her grandmothering skills.
Thats right, you can almost tell that number two is on the way. The young girls also put up a good brithday party, thanks to all of you. Posted by Picasa

Hi to all. Seeing we have been missing in action now for a few months i will update a few highlites of the past 2 months or so. This coffee break picture was taken in Calgary towards the end of Oct. We joined Erik and Amber on a business trip and got to have a very good visit with Jo's sister and her husband. A quick trip but a memorable time. They sure look like sisters right? Posted by Picasa