Sunday, July 30, 2006

You drove past our place and you happened to see this large swimming pool? Wrong again. You just happend to catch a glance of large swimming pool in a drought year. It shrunk so much we turned it in to poor man's hot tub. With full filteration, geo thermal heating and solar heating and modern double bubble technolgy it has had natural water temps up to 108F. With a complete bug free environment it has provided many happy late summer dips after a hot day working on Shauns home or preharvest preps. Posted by Picasa

Okay Rudy you may win the pumpkin growing contest but your chance of winning the tomato
height record award. not going to happen. Oh right its not the height but the size of the tomato we are going for. Well they are hidded in there some where but can't show you them for now. I believe they are bigger than your pumpkins. Oh well, maybe next year Posted by Picasa

We also spent an afternoon at St.Malo with friends enjoying what so far was the hottest day of the year. Temps at 37c kept us in the lake or in the shade. With 5 coulples on the island and 6 for supper it was a good time. Posted by Picasa

Okay I do need to post a few grandbaby pics seeing we enjoy her so much and also take many pictures we never have posted. These are taken at the cottage and yes she likes smiling for the camera. Oh maybe it was grandpa she was pleased to see.

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Summer has not been all about building house. We did spend time at the cottage and had a good time floating and enjoying the lake and the sun. This little island has been used a number of times and seems to work very well. Not much worry about getting wet unless you want to or others feel you should Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Construction continues. The outer walls are going up.
Now come the inner walls.
Walls done, rafters on, roof sheeted. Time to shingle. This is the front of the house, facing south. Their main entrance is off on the right side on the picture, The large window is in their living room and the smaller window is in a bedroom.
The back, or north side of the house. The smaller window to the left on the picture is the kitchen window, next the garden doors, leading out from the dining room, and a bathroom window, then the window in the master bedroom from which they will have a good view of the river. Posted by Picasa

Joists are being nailed into place. Posted by Picasa

A good part of the summer has been taken up with helping Shaun and Vicki build their house in Rosenort's Sunburst Estates subdivision. Shaun has posted some pictures on his blog but here are a few more. The basement is poured and the beam in place. Posted by Picasa

It's been so long I hardly know where to start. After the spring flooding , the seeding got underway on the fields and on the yard. This picture is of our tomato plants, that Kerry raised and planted in my flower bed on the south side of the house. He built massive cages out of rebar to support them, and it looked for a while like he had overbuilt. Since this picture was taken they have grown a lot more and you can't see the cages, in fact, the tomato plants pretty much reach up to my kitchen window and there are many tomatoes hidden in the foliage, but no ripe ones yet. Posted by Picasa

Hi to all that come to visit us at this site. This has been a long break and we know its time to post abit about the happenings of the eidse family. I will now try to teach Jo to do this posting so that it gets done a little oftener. This pretty flower is probably 25 years or older. Posted by Picasa