Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Stockings

Years ago I decided that in our family we would do Christmas stockings and so I made stockings for each of my kids. As they got married I continued crafting them for the in-laws. Then when the grandkids started coming along I could hardly stop the tradition. I had always looked at the felt stocking kits out there , wanting to make one, and now I decided to go for it. As each Grandchild comes along, I make sure that there is a new stocking for their first Christmas. They have to leave them at our house but they will get filled every Christmas. The only trouble is finding a place to hang all of them. This is the first one I crafted a couple of Christmases ago, when Hailey was the only one.

They are a lot of fun to do, but very labor intensive. This is Stocking #2, made for Jayda last year.

This year was a busy one, I had 2 stockings to make before Christmas rolled around. Luckily I got an early start, and Norah and Madelyn will be able to enjoy their stockings too.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Some early pictures of our newest little grand-daughter. Here she is 3 days old.

could this be one of her first smiles?

A first visit to Grammy and Papa's!

Contentedly snoozing in her carseat. So far she is mostly sleeping but she does open her eyes and check us out once in a while. She is just the right size for cuddling though and too young to spoil by too much holding, and as Hailey always says, "isn't she precious?" We heartily agree!
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Norah is sitting well on her own by now and loves to sit in front of the fridge and play with the magnets. She is a very content but inquisitive little one. Nothing gets by her, and she intently studies people and things around her.

She has a great time in her jolly jumper , expending a lot of energy.

Does she look like she is ready for bed? Or just playing peek-a-boo?
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Jayda's first introduction to remote controlled toys. It was a lot of fun to see her play with this puppy. If it doesn't go where she wants it too, she will go over and pick it up by the tail, and deal with it that way. She is the one with the controls but she can't always figure out why it chases her.

Her blanket is very precious to her, and a neccesity for sleeping.

Caught during one of our many games of 'chase'.

She loves to go shopping in my cupboards, and here she is asking me for some sprinkles in a bowl. She doesn't say many words but her expressions convey what she needs.
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Hailey's first time holding her new little baby sister. She is a very proud and capable big sister.

She loves little Maddy very much, in fact she keeps reminding us how precious Maddy is.

Helping Grammy Jo decorate the Gingerbread House. This was our 2nd Annual. Hopefully we are well on the way to a 'tradition'.

The finished product!
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