Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Norah's birthday

Norah turned 3 while they were here so of course we had to celebrate, and what better way than having a pool party. One of her little friends and her family were in Palm Springs too and so we invited them over for a party. Swimming was a big part of the day, and then came supper...............
and of course birthday cake. Getting ready to blow out the candles. The two little girls had a great time playing together.

Three years old!

Norah also got a backpack and t-shirt from one of her Aunties back home and so she had to put them on and wear them for a while as she watched a show on the ipod. The actual day of her birthday she got a few more gifts and really enjoyed the extra attention she got and I think had a very good day. It was fun to celebrate with her.
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Kristy and the girls

We were happy to have Kristy and Norah and Shae come and join us for a week again this year. It was a busier time than when it is just Kerry and me but we really enjoyed connecting with the little ones again. The weather was hot during the week they were here and so we spent some time each day out at the pool. Norah quite enjoyed the water time, but Shae usually napped, not that she minded the water, but napping was good too.

Kristy enjoyed soaking up the sunshine with a good book while the girls napped.

We also enjoyed coloring outside.
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Images from Palm Springs

It's holiday time again, and we have been enjoying the month of March in Sunny Palm Springs. It always feels like coming home when we are here, and we just so enjoy the beauty around us. It never ceases to amaze me when I see the mountains, the green grass, flowers, and wide blue skies. I stand in awe of what God created. Yes we have beauty at home too, but when leaves the cold and snow behind and ends up here, the contrast is just huge. We have also really been enjoying the birds and their songs, especially the mocking bird, who has such a variety in his song, and the tiny hummingbirds. And of course we have been soaking in the warm temperatures and the sunshine. These pictures are views at our condo. Top left shows the view of the mountains we see from our deck. The flowers are the two baskets we went out and purchased early on so that we could enjoy some color, and just have some flowers. Bottom right shows our deck and the chairs we spend time in , soaking up the sun and warmth.

We went for a walk one day and found a place with beautiful flowers along the pathway and these are some of what we saw. There are lots of flowers blooming everywhere but I don't have pictures of those.

We also enjoy spending time with friends from home. This was taken at one of our favorite outdoor restaurants after a day of shopping for the Jo's and golf for the rest.

We have also done some hiking, and hope to get some more in yet before the holidays are over. This was taken at a resting spot on one of the hikes. It was a little oasis, surrounded by palm trees and we took a break before heading back to where we started.

We have also been enjoying SLUFF evenings and the competition between men and women is always fun. I think the men are a wee bit ahead overall, but we (women) do enjoy gloating when we win. I just don't have any pictures of those fun times.
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Spending time with Shae. She was so sweet, and she sure loved her Papa

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Goodmorning. Its a sunny cool morning in Palm
Springs,ca and if it seemed like we had gone on holidays ..we still are.

Jo is catching up with shopping bookwork and doing crafts this morning. We did just get back from the hot tub.

These pics are from the the trip down, Red Rock canyon and Hoover dam. The new bridge was quite a site, seeing it was not in the picture viewer that my Grandma and Grandpa had in Kleefeld when i was a young boy. We did not stay long but enjoyed the site. Having read up on how it was built helped put the story together.
We soon arrived in PS and moved into the condo. We have playes some golf, spent lots of hours in the pool during the hot week, and also spent time shopping for things still on the list. We had our daughter Kristy and her two girls join us for on week, the hot week. The timing was very good to enjoy watching them three enjoy PS with us.
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