Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fun times with the Girls

When Hailey comes over, one of her first questions is whether we can go play upstairs in the "classroom". Not sure why she calls it that but Kristy's former room, which I have set up for the playroom , is where we spend a lot of time and play a lot of different things. Sometimes she sets up a train or a bus and fills it up with passengers and we go for a ride. Often we have to take someone to the Dr.. We also spend a lot of time cooking and eating , making soup and multi-layered sandwiches and those plastic donuts taste delicious.

Now that Jayda is older and sitting up by herself, she gets to come up there with us and as you can see, she really enjoys it up there too. I can hardly wait to see what adventures she dreams up for us to try. With two active minds, it should prove to be fun. I am looking forward to lots more playing time in the classroom.

Jayda continues to bless us with her beautiful smiles . When you see a baby smile, nothing else matters, and for a while, all is right with the world. And when Hailey says, " I love you Gramma", I feel rich .

We planted some small trees this summer along the driveway and just for fun we put Hailey alongside one of them to see who was taller. The plan is to take a picture every fall and to see who is taller. No doubt we will be amazed each year, at how fast everything and everyone grows.
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At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good pictures,Jo! You are so right! A baby's smile just makes you go all mushy! Jayda's got a beautiful one. Looks like you're enjoying your "second childhood"!! Fun times.
Hailey is looking quite grown up.


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