Monday, October 01, 2007

Grand Finale

It's done! Our 2007 harvest is complete, and it is good! The year was not without it's challenges again . There were times of too much rain and times when it was too dry. There were debates about when and what to spray, was the crop good enough to warrant the extra cost? And now that it is all in we are blessed. The yields were good for most of the crops and ALL the bins are FULL! The harvest went well and we are praising God for blessing us this richly.

Today was a busy day with four combines on our last soybean field. The first picture shows the west side of the field where our Gleaners were eating up the swaths that Kerry laid this morning. The second picture shows the two rented John Deeres that took off the rest of the field with their straight cut headers. The last picture shows three of the four combines .(my camera isn't big enough to capture all four at one time)

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