Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week 3--Walls!

Another tough week for our building crew. This time it was not wind and cold and rain, but the heat ! They had to work in the blazing sunshine with no trees nearby for shade, or clouds to block the sun. They filled up their water jugs numerous times but they kept on working and made lots of progress again by weeks end. Thanks guys!!!
By the end of Monday the floor was in place, and Tuesday they started framing walls.
Wednesday they put up a bunch of them and this was the scene when one long wall was raised. We made sure we had enough manpower available for that, and the woman power was the one behind the camera.
By the end of Thursday this is what it looked like. All the exterior walls are up. The picture shows the front view. Now we can go in and envision where the rooms will be and how big they are. It is pretty exciting.
Friday, there was much activity as the dirt was filled in around the house in preparation for the next phase, that of drilling piles for the garage and porches. Things are moving along and it is starting to look like a house.
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At 1:03 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

It's looking great!


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