Sunday, May 02, 2010

visible Progress

This week there was some progress made that is visible. It is real! It is actually going to happen! The house project is underway! Scary! Exciting! Somewhat overwhelming if we think of the big picture, but we have learned to take it one day at a time, one step at a time. Anyway, we got finished with our wheat seeding this week, there were a few passes close to the river we were waiting on, and the rest of the time was devoted to other stuff. One day, Kerry and Erik went out and did the measuring and marking for where the house was going to go,

and the next day, Wednesday, the hoe came in and started digging.

He worked all day,

and by evening there was a BIG hole and lots of dirt all around. Kerry and Erik worked along side him all day moving dirt away and making room for everything that is supposed to happen around that hole in the next couple of weeks. Then Thursday it rained, but Kerry has a pump set up and things don't look too bad. Cal, the builder, and Kerry spent some time yesterday morning in the hole marking off the starting points for Monday, when the actual foundation work is supposed to get started. There was also some wood and supplies delivered yesterday. We are still pondering our window package but are getting closer to decisions, and we got started on kitchen discussions with a kitchen designer on Thursday. So many things to think about.

Meanwhile, we are cozy in our little home, and counting our blessings. We are not happy everyday, some days are overwhelming and stressful, but we still feel blessed. Not a day goes by without someone dropping by with something, or just offering their support and love in some way, and that is what keeps us going. These acts of love and kindness touch our hearts and really do keep us going. These acts of love are touches from God. Thank you!
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At 11:53 AM, Blogger Prairieview said...

All the decision making that goes with house building can be over whelming. And I'm sure even more so for you as this was probably not in your immediate plans. Sounds like you are accepting help & advice from others which is a good thing to do. We have build 3 new homes together plus did most of the work together. I think if I said "Lets do this again" Albert would start tomorrow but I'm just so done with all the decision making that goes with the whole process. Plus I just really like the house we live in now!

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Prairieview said...

Forgot to sign my name to the above.
Albert & Lillian

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Kimberley said...

ya for digging holes! I am so glad that things are moving forward, something to look forward too!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Kara said...

How exciting that building plans are being put into action. Looking forward to seeing the progress.


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