Thursday, January 21, 2010

A River Runs Through It!

Rain, and more rain, and still more rain. That has been the story this week so far. Monday the rain held off untill mid-afternoon and so we still got in a good days work. Tuesday it held off untill lunch time and so we still got some trusses delivered to one site and the drywall delivered and carried into the house at another site. Yesterday it started to rain mid afternoon again and it really hasn't stopped since then except for short periods. Things are WET!!! I wish I had a rain gauge to measure the rain amounts. This view is looking out the door of our RV towards the back of the lot. Lots of puddles and little rivers!

In front of the office door I have to jump a river to get in. Lots of the bark we had spread on the yard has moved to new locations.

The lane back of the lot has a river running along it now, and lots of it is coming from us.

The stream running along the deck . Luckily we have some inside work that we can do this morning. A crew went out early to finish hanging drywall in one house so that when the inspector arrived it would be all done and he would sign off and so we can maybe get to taping and mudding this afternoon. At another site, we hope to pass inspection and then start to insulate this afternoon. At the newest site, we just have to wait. There is nothing we can do there in these rainy conditions. For one thing , the road onto the yard is steep enough that it is dangerous. If you can get down onto the yard, you just may not get back out. So we wait. Some of the ladies went into town to do some shopping this morning, but even that is not without anxiety. The underpasses and low roads get covered in water and they have to detour traffic, and there is the danger of mud and rock slides as well. We have seen the plow trucks standing ready to remove mud and rocks from the roads, not snow, like we are used to. The forecast is for the rain to continue into tomorrow. We are keeping dry at camp, the RV's have no leaks, or at least not serious ones. The dining trailer has some, but we just keep mopping, and the floor is a mess but it would be much worse if we didn't have the deck. But still, spirits are high, and work is getting done, and it can't rain forever----or can it?!!
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At 1:44 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

These are the conditions Lon would think as typical when camping in an RV or tent.

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Rogers' Family said...

We have ice/freezing rain conditions today. School was canceled as the roads were covered with ice this am. There is more freezing rain in our forecast tonight. We can empathize with you!

Stay dry!

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Pastor George said...

Looking Good. Keep it up!


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