Sunday, January 03, 2010

Off to California

Christmas was over, decorations were taken down, gatherings done, year end business taken care of , goodbyes said to kids and grandkids, car packed and early on the 29th we pointed the car south, bound for California and our time of service in Dulzura with MDS. The first day was good driving and we covered LOTS of miles, 1225 to be exact, and we were pretty tired by the time we checked into a hotel in Idaho Falls. I did some snoozing early on in the day, and but mostly stayed awake to keep Kerry awake, and to enjoy the scenery. Travelling that many miles there is a variety of scenery , from flat prairies, to rolling hills, small mountains and interesting land formations. We also saw quite a lot of wildlife. There were pheasants, Canada geese aplenty, wild turkies, a huge eagle sitting in a field, and a couple more in the sky, lots of deer, some bison, and 3 bull elks. We thought that was pretty neat. By the time we stopped for night it had started snowing and continued on all night and into the next day. We got on the road around 7 AM and for the next 7 hours or so we had miserable driving conditions. Wet snow coming down, icy, snowy, sloppy roads and tense driving. We saw one bad accident and later we heard there were fatalities. I think the scenery was nice but with the snowy conditions we didn't see much of it. By the time we got to
Vegas the temperature was nice and warm and the roads were dry and we could enjoy a bit more. Traffic was ugly though from there to LA., and that took some patience. We hit Palm Springs about 9 PM and found a hotel and settled in for the next 2 nights. The temperatures were pleasant and we relaxed.

We got to check out the outside of the condo we've rented for March and it should suit us nicely I think.

spent time enjoying the sunshine poolside at the hotel,

and took long walks and enjoyed the flowers and gorgeous temperatures.
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At 5:53 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Glad to hear you made it. Enjoy! Jo I'm sure they will find something for you to do :)

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

It's a lot easier to forget the horrible driving conditions when you arrive in Palm Springs! Ahhhhh! Take a deep breath & love that air! Glad you made it. So by now you must be at your site - and the work begins. Thanks for keeping in touch.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Kara said...

Glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound. Palm Springs looks wonderful. All the best as you immerse yourself in the work in Dulzura.


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