Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cake decorating

I have started a tradition of doing a gingerbread house with Hailey the past couple of years. This year it was Jayda's turn to join us and I had decided to do rice krispie cakes instead. The girls came over the other afternoon and we got to work. Jayda had her cake and Hailey had her own. Hailey's had to have pink icing on it. Or course candy and icing was consumed in the process, but we had fun. I only got a couple of pictures before my camera battery died, (on both cameras), so I didn't get pictures of the finished products. And the girls were ready to go and play by then anyway.

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At 1:11 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Looks like your Christmases keep getting busier. But fun I'm sure with the little ones around. Maybe that's when I'll slow down, when the grand babies come ;) But than I'll be a different kind of busy.


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