Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Work begins---ready or not!

It has been a busy week here, but the weather has been great! Sunny blue skies and warm temperatures meant lunch out on the deck every day. We spent most of the week getting re-aquainted with the work here, in the office and on the job sites. Our long term team arrived throughout the week and we made a bunch of trips to the airport. We have been getting to know them and are already forming friendships. The foundation for our newest permit is underway and we passed the first inspection there and got some concrete poured.
This morning, after church, we came back to camp and had a meeting out on the deck. Tomorrow the work begins, ready or not, and so we thought there were things that we needed to talk about and ourselves somewhat organized. There are some challenges ahead of us, and some folks waiting to get into their homes, but we need to pass final inspection first and therein lie the challenges.
Besides the newest home that we got going this week, we have two others in progress. This is one of them, a three bedroom home overlooking some beautiful mountain scenery. The other home is not quite as far along, but I think it is also a three bedroom. Tomorrow the alarm will ring at 5 AM and things will be full steam ahead, I will try to keep you posted! Please keep us in your prayers!
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At 8:34 AM, Blogger Naomi said...

Kerry & Jo,
Be assured of our prayers as you begin this busy week.
Happy that the sun is shining :)

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

Great to hear that you are having good weather and will be praying for your safety as well as wisdom as you build.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Way to go you guys! Let the fun begin.


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