Wednesday, December 23, 2009

And finally

Just a few more pictures of all the activity of the afternoon

To finish off the afternoon we decided it was time for a Grammy and Papa and grandkids picture. We must have taken about 30 pictures with 4 cameras going at the same time. It is hard to have everyone looking good all at the same time, but we thought this was a pretty good one and so we chose this one as our Christmas card for the year. To all who didn't get one in the mail, enjoy this as our card to you.

We are looking forward to another couple of gatherings in the next couple of days, and then it will be time to pack our bags to head south for our time of service with MDS in Dulzura, CA. It has been a challenging year for us but on reflection we realize that there was lots of good in with the difficult times, and God was right there with us through it all. We chose to praise Him in the midst of all the challenge, and though it didn't make all the stress go away, or make life easy, it did change our focus, and helped us to make it through one day at a time. God provided ......again.......still......and so we look forward to what He has in store for us in the New Year! He WILL be there with us, because he loves us and cares about the details of our lives. May you all experience His love and feel Him near in the New Year, wherever you find yourselves, and in whatever circumstance. Have a blessed Christmas!
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At 10:35 PM, Blogger Kara said...

I love the picture with the both of you and all of your grandkids. What a great looking bunch!

It looks like your Christmas gathering was enjoyable and filled with some good memories. I hope the rest of your Christmas season is restful and meaningful.

All the best as you head down south as well.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

Ker, something has changed! I thought you never liked having your picture taken! And now - look what grandchildren have done for you! Smiles from ear to ear! Very nice...


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