Monday, January 04, 2010

We're back!

We left Palm Springs mid morning on the 1st and arrived here after lunch. It did feel good to be coming in to familiar surroundings and seeing the place again. We got right to work watering the plants we had put in last year. Most of them look pretty good, and the palm trees have grown somewhat taller. The bougainvilleas were blooming a bit as well. Once we got the keys we got settled in and started checking things out.

Kerry found some little projects that needed doing, and so we got right to work.
It has been a busy couple of days for us getting back into gear, and figuring out what has been done, and what needs doing. We were here last year but how much will we remember, but we are slowly working at things and figuring it out again. Sunday we met with the owners of our next build, and got the process started with them. Today the digging began and so we are officially underway with another house . Kerry and I also checked out some of the other properties to see at what stage they were at and get a feel for what needs doing yet. Investigation will continue tomorrow. We have Myron and Vernon here to get the foundation going, and this afternoon our long term couple from Alberta arrived. Tomorrow our construction foreman flies in and so slowly the camp is filling up. Now it is almost bedtime and so we will see what we get done tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice again, and Kerry was just commenting that he was already getting tanned!
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At 10:12 PM, Blogger Char said...

It's good to know that you two are back in Dulzura! We are not going to be volunteering for MDS this year due to my major back surgery in October. We'll look forward to your updates!
Char Hardt


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