Friday, September 07, 2012

Tomatoes, tomatoes...............

...........and more tomatoes!!!  My garden is producing tomatoes like crazy this year.  I should have left it at 6 plants, but decided that wasn't quite enough.   Anyway, they are there, so I have to do something with them, and so I have been adding to my collection in the pantry.   
So...  take all those tomatoes, add in some other produce from the garden, ( I am quite excited to actually get red and yellow peppers this year)
and some store bought items,......
and the end result is jars full of salsa, tomato juice, pizza sauce and spaghetti sauce.   It is a lot of work, but I quite like to be able to go to the pantry and get what I need instead of running to the grocery store.    Oh yeah!  Does anyone need any tomatoes?   I picked about 40 lbs yesterday.  I don't make a habit of weighing how much I pick, except that yesterday there were so many that out of curiosity, I decided to weigh them.  Yep, over 40 pounds of lovely, good sized , delicious tomatoes.   On the theme of weights, I also decided to weigh one of the bigger tomatoes and it came in at 15.5 ounces.    
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At 10:17 PM, Blogger Ang said...

would love some of those delicious beautiful prizes! Too bad you're so far away from us - I would "help you out" in a heartbeat!! Enjoy!
~Ang (& Ryan) Friesen

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Pat said...

You have been busy. Very impressive looking stuff.

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Rogers' Family said...

Beautiful Bounty! Looks like a lot of work too.
It will be delicious :)


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