Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer's Bounty

So far this summer we have enjoyed lots of green stuff from the garden.  We had plenty of spinach, and the romaine lettuce produced well also, as you can see from the first picture.  I pulled all of it before it got too hot and put it in the fridge and we are still enjoying garden lettuce for our salads.
The peas did very well also, and I had planted 1 and 1/2 long rows and so I had plenty to pick early in July.  I decided that this year I would put peas in the freezer to enjoy all winter and in total I think I must have frozen maybe 40 cups, after we enjoyed fresh eating and a couple of meals.                                  The last picture shows the makings for some yummy cabbage soup, fresh from the garden.  I have also put lots of cabbage rolls in the freezer to enjoy when the weather cools off again and I don't mind turning on the oven and heating up the house.  I have picked some cucumbers and am looking forward to more, and am waiting for the first ripe tomato and some corn on the cob.
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