Thursday, September 06, 2012

Back to School

 Excitement has been mounting in the home across the road from us.  The countdown has been on and today it was finally here.  First day of School!  For the older one is was waiting to see friends again after the summer break and knowing she would see them every day now, plus there would be the challenge of learning more things,and a big library of books to read.  For the younger one, it was first day of Kindergarten and all kinds of new possibilities, and the chance to ride on the schoolbus, with her big sister.  I enjoy watching them get on the bus every morning, just like I used to watch my kids.  This morning I was there for the first morning pick-up, got to give them hugs before they headed off and took a few pictures.  It is so great to see them so excited, but they sure are growing up fast.
Aren't they cute!  School outfits sure have changed since I started school, must be about 50 years ago. I love their pretty sparlky clothes, with fluffy skirts, and those cute little lunchkits, and great backpacks.   Wonder what I would have chosen  had I had these same choices.   I am thinking I would have liked Jayda's style, although Hailey's looks pretty too, yet comfy and casual.
Getting on the bus, and then the adventure begins...............................
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At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Rogers' Family said...

Great pics of the girls! I'm sure Maddy can't wait to join them!


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