Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finishing up Birmingham MDS

 We finished  up our time with MDS in Birmingham on March 2.  Our last group of volunteers were a mix of some folks from our home town, as well as another group from PA.   They were a good group and we got a bunch of stuff done again, and they were privileged to be able to participate in two home dedications as well.  It was also transition week and so we were trying  to finish up a bunch of things , sign off on jobs that were done, and pass the baton to the new directors who came in that week to take over when we headed home.

We passed final inspection on Mrs. Thomas home on Wednesday and so had a party that evening to dedicate the home.  Mrs. Thomas was very excited when she got the phone call from Kerry that the final inspection was passed and she could move home again.  That evening her house was filled with family and friends, as well as our group as we celebrated with her.  We couldn't cut the ribbon outside, because it was raining, but we did it on an inside door, and then presented her with the key.
Later on she signed off on the job card with Kerry looking on.  She was very thankful for all that had been done for her and that we cared enough for her to come in and rebuild her home. She was very thankful to God and to us for all her blessings.   It was an evening of praise, presentations, prayers and later on, joy and laugher filled the place as we enjoyed cake and coffee, and visiting.

Thursday  we passed final inspection on Ms. Antoinette's house and so planned another party  for that evening.  Antoinette said she would certainly be there, and she had friends and family joining her as well. We were excited to cut the ribbon, hand over the keys, and bless this home and let Antoinette and her family move back in.  She had  been very patient and cooperative with us but we could tell she was excited to move back in and start living life normally again. 
 Then on Friday, it was time for everyone to move on.  There was a complete transition.  The team that had been there for the since January was going home and the new team would be taking over.  We were packed up and ready, handed over the keys and the cell phones to the new directors, and said good bye to the place we had called home for the last  2 months and turned our hearts towards home.  We got a lot of work done, the time was not without its stresses or challenges, but God provided.  We met a lot of great people again, both local folks, and volunteers, and we have  a lot more friends in PA now. It was a good time , but we were ready to go home and see family and friends there again, and meet that new little grand-daughter that had been born while we were away.
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