Monday, February 06, 2012

Our fourth group has come and gone, and houses are nearing completion. We had 2 separate groups from PA again this week (all our groups seem to be from there) and we got to know a bunch of new people. We had rain again a couple of times, but lots of the work took place inside so that didn't slow us down much.
The new build out at Leeds, AL is moving right along. This week it got vinyl flooring put down in the kitchen and bathroom, doors hung, and laminate put down in the rest of the house. Lots of painting of doors and trim was done as well.

Outside is pretty much done, but we went over there on Saturday to check up on things and decided to cheer things up a bit and hung a couple of pots of pansies.
This next house is the crooked, challenger, house. This week they finally finished mudding and sanding and it actually got painted and flooring put down in the kitchen. Cabinets have been bought and will probably get installed next week. We have a cabinet maker coming.

Taking a break from all that sanding!
One other house that is nearing completion got carpet installed by Home Depot on Wednesday, and then on Thursday the volunteers started painting and putting up the baseboards. The electricians were there and lights got put up and other things electrical got done and the finish line is getting closer.
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