Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another week has gone by and another group picture to show you. We had an energetic group here last week and this time the ladies outnumbered the guys. We are outnumbered by folks from PA, though last week we were helped out a bit by another couple from home who came to join us. It was a fun group though. We had some older folks from one area of PA, and a group of girls from another area. There was lots of chatter and laughter, and we got the projects furthur along. We are about done on 4 houses and so there was lots of touch up jobs, and lots of cleaning done by the ladies. There were cabinets installed, and much progress made. Kerry and I were gone from Tuesday night till Friday morning. We flew to Florida for MDS meetings and so we missed out on a lot of the fun at camp.

Some of these girls had sisters that we got to meet when they came to out site in Livingston TX a couple of years ago, and so Kerry was showing these girls pictures of their sisters from then. Of course, that led into showing pictures of the farm, house, and kids and grandkids.

The girls also enjoyed singing and sat around the table and sang hymns from their hymnbook. And then they got out their accordian and sang more fun songs, and one guy from the other group had brought his guitar and so he came out and joined in with them. They had a lot of fun together teaching each other new songs and singing together. The rest of us sat and enjoyed the music and sang along when we knew the words .
The girls got it into their heads that they would decorate pillow cases as a souvenir of their time here in Alabama, and they then decided they wanted everyone to sign their names on these same pillowcases, so Friday afternoon a lot of time was spent signing pillowcases before time for departure.
It was a good week, and a fun group of volunteers, and it was hard to say goodbye at the end of it. In fact, the girls called back to let us know they got home safely, and confessed the many of them had cried after they had to leave.
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At 12:27 PM, Blogger Pat said...

Looks like a fun group. Gotta love those people from PA :)


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