Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Last week we finally passed final inspection on one of our homes. It was the only new build and it was in the taping and mudding stage when we got here in January. A lot of our volunteers spent time at this house, and got to know the homeowner well, as she came every day to watch the progress of her home. Every day she called Kerry for one reason or another, but often it was to say Thank-you. She has been waiting a long time, she really didn't believe she would ever get a new house, and she was very excited when she got the news that she could move in. She lived in a house trailer that got crushed when a tree fell on it in the tornado. FEMA wanted to give her a new trailer, but the town said her property wasn't zoned for that so they couldn' t go with that plan, so they contacted MDS and asked if we could build her a house. That all started back in June or July of last year, and now finally she could move in. So far she hasn't got her furniture yet, and so without a bed, she probably isn't sleeping there yet, but I am sure she spends the days there. She started moving in some of the small things as soon as she got the word. We had a house dedication last Thursday evening.
She cut the ribbon , and then Kerry presented her with her house keys, and she went up the stairs to unlock the door. The rest of the evening took place inside as we did the blessings, a devotional, presented her with a bible, a book, a wall hanging, and an afghan, and some songs. We ended the evening with coffee and carrot cake and lots of visiting and laughter filled the house. After we left we got a phone call from the homeowner thanking us for all we had done, and for the evening.
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At 9:30 AM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

I can only imagine how special this evening must have felt to this woman. You all truly were the hands and feet and heart of Jesus to her. It must have been an extra-ordinary evening for all of you.
Your time there is coming to a close and you must be looking forward to going home to your family, especially to see your newest granddaughter. Safe travels as you leave and hope to see you soon.


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