Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Short update

Time is passing by, and I am not getting a lot of new pictures to post, but progress is being made. There has been lots of plumbing and electrical work done on every site it seems. There has been painting done, doors installed, trim put on and flooring and kitchen cabinets installed at the "K" house. The "A" house is painted inside and out, and has laminate flooring, and now is getting interior doors and trim. The "J" house is getting sprinklers installed today, and at the "B" house we are doing floor repairs. We are doing railings on porches, and still working on getting final inspection on the "C" house. Sometimes things feel like they are going too slow for our liking, but we just have to remind ourselves to do one thing at a time, and work will progress. We would just like to finish some of these projects before we are out of here at the end of the week. Our gang from 2 weeks ago
Last week's group
I rode with Kerry one day to get supplies and to deliver them to the sites. We got to see all of the houses that day, but had to stop for lunch in between. This is at the Barrett Cafe. We drive by here every day on the way to our job sites and this time we decided to stop and enjoy some lunch outside on their veranda. It was a nice interlude in a busy day.

Phone reception at some of the sites is a challenge. At one of the sites you actually have to go up the mountain to get cell reception. Most of the time you don't have to go all the way up, but this day, Kerry had to keep climbing till he had reached a fairly high point. Can you see him up there at the top of the hill. My camera hardly had enough zoom to get him.
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At 3:13 PM, Blogger Pastor George said...

I have enjoyed the updates. We have been praying for you regularly. Enjoy your vacation.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

You have to really want to use that phone to go that distance. Thought he was looking for mountain goats.


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