Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Grandkids again !

How is this for another action packed picture. Norah loves to have "rides" and the other three were quick to get in on the action in one way or another. They all got to have a turn before Papa was tired.

We got to babysit Nolan for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He was a very happy camper and sat and played with the toys for the first hour. Then he realized that he hadn't seen Mommy or Daddy for a while and he got a little sad, but we still did okay and had a good time.

Grammy Jo with her two youngest grandkids, quite a handful, literally. Madda doesn't sit still for very long though and Nolan just watches and stores it all up for when he gets to be more mobile.

Our little Madelyn turned one on Nov 24th. She wasn't quite sure about having to blow out a candle, and big sister Hailey was on hand to help. She was very happy that day though and seemed to know it was all to celebrate her. She is a special little blessing for us, and we are enjoying her character that is starting to come through more and more.
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At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Rogers' Family said...

Happy 1st Birthday sweet Madelyn! Very cute cake :).

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Kara said...

What great pictures. Those kids of yours are getting so big.


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