Thursday, October 02, 2008

What's been happening?

It has been a long time since I last posted but we have not been sitting still. The harvest continued busy , and with good help and good conditions we managed to get the wheat, oats and canola off. There were some frustrations, some machinery breakdowns, lots of wind that messed up the canola swaths, and enough challenges to keep us humble, but at the same time the bins were filling up at a record pace. God saw fit to bless us with good yields and everything is FULL! even though we have been able to haul quite a lot to the elevator. We had a bit of a break last week when we got some rain but this week's sunshine and drying breezes have allowed us to get back onto the fields again and we are currently harvesting the soybeans.
At the end of August, on the 27th, we said Goodbye to Kerry's Dad. He passed away peacefully in his sleep after many years of dealing with the debilitating effects of 4 different kinds of arthritis. This past year had been particularly tough as he was mostly confined to a wheelchair and lost the use of his hands and legs. He will be rememembered as a hard worker and generous man, and one who loved and cared for others, a good friend. He was a good and loving father, father-in-law, and grandfather, and his 5 great-grandchildren were very special to him even though he could not interact with them like he would have liked. He loved to fish and golf and spent many hours doing both, and he and mom really enjoyed the time they could spend at the cottage, working to keep it in great shape, entertaining friends and enjoying leisure time there. He also really loved their winter holidays in Palm Springs and really missed that these past few winters. After he retired from the farm he and mom enjoyed their garden at the apartments and especially growing tomatoes and being the first to have that special first ripe one of the season. He may have retired but he still enjoyed hearing all about what was happening on the farm, crop reports and crop tours and was always willing to give practical and knowledgeable advice when Kerry came to him with a problem. There are many things that could be said, and we all have our special and fond memories of Dad and Grandpa and we will miss him a lot but know he has gone on to a better place, where he has no more pain, and for that we praise God! The funeral service was held on August 31 at the Rosenort EMC. We thank all of you who thought of us , prayed for us and showed your support and caring in various ways during that time.
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At 7:48 PM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

Very good blog, Jo! You said it well.


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