Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July Long weekend

I thought I had better post some long weekend photos before July comes to an end. We had a good weekend at the cottage with Rob and Diane, Keith and Stacey, Nathan and Meghan, Erik, Amber, Hailey and Jayda, Kristy, Graham and Norah. There was some work done on some of the projects, (see previous posts), the grass got mowed, a couple of times seeing as how it was about a foot high when we got there. Nobody had been at the cottage for a month and so the grass had a good chance to grow tall and it looked quite wild when we arrived, but by the end of the weekend it was looking pretty good. The weather was good enough that we could enjoy eating and visiting out in the screen porch.

Diane and Meghan enjoying the newspaper.

Keith and Stacey enjoying the new deck.

Amber and Hailey spending some time out on the water.
It was good to spend time away with family and just relax and catch up on each other's lives again, as well as get some work done. The young folks spent some time out in the boat, skiing and wakeboarding, and the hot tub was enjoyed by most of us at some point. We had sunny pleasant weather, and all in all it was a good weekend. The next pictures of the grandkids were taken at the cottage as well.
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