Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cottage Visit for Mom and Dad

As I posted on a previous entry, we had built a ramp at the cottage so that Dad might be able to get inside easier. Well, the time came for the ramp to be tried out on the weekend of July19 and 20. We decided together with Larry and Sylvia that it would be a good time to bring them down. It was a good weekend weatherwise, not too hot or too windy, but very pleasant. We left home at 9am on Saturday and arrived at the cottage in time for lunch. Dad was very pleased with the ramp and both Mom and Dad were very happy to be able to be at the cottage again. It was a good and relaxing time with Larry and Sylvia there as well. We enjoyed good food, thanks for the pea soup, Mom. We visited, we relaxed and caught up on sleep, enjoyed the hot tub and Mom and Dad even got in a game of UP and DOWN the RIVER with Larry and Sylvia.
As you can see on these pictures, Dad got to spend some time outside on the ramp and just enjoyed sitting in the sunshine and just being there. We headed home again late Sunday afternoon after a faspa of watermelon and rollkuchen in the screen porch. It was hard for Mom and Dad to say goodbye, not knowing when they would be able to come back again, but they really appreciated the time they got to spend there that weekend.
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At 11:19 AM, Blogger Amber said...

what special pictures.

ps - thanks for the cinnamon buns! they were amazing. notice i said 'were'? and...were you planning on sending some for erik & the girls too?


At 10:51 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Looks like a really nice ramp/deck. Ya did a good job.

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a special thing to do for your dad - first building a ramp that may not be used by him all that often and then bringing him and mom out for a lovely time at the cabin! BTW, I love checking out your blog from time to time to see how the Eidse clan is doing.


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