Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Re-shingling the shed: North side

Along with the new shingles there was some other repair work that needed to happen as well. In places there was need of fresh plywood, and in other places holes needed to be repaired as well as new wood at the bottom where the shed joins the cement. Kerry was the man in charge of doing repairs.

Work continued on the north side with help again from Peterand his loader, and this time Shaun was recruited as well. We had to make a couple more trips south to get more shingles to complete the job, but it was a good excuse to go out for supper , and we learned that we couldn't count as well as we thought.

It was threatening rain on this final day of shingling , so Kerry and Erik got to it early on in the morning, but the rain didn't come till the next day. It did get very windy though so they were happy to be done with the job and it was a good job too because not one of the shingles moved in the strong winds.

Putting on the final shingle! Job done!
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At 11:00 AM, Blogger Scott and Kim said...

The shed looks great...wish I could have been there to watch and learn!


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