Friday, June 06, 2008

Spring is HERE!

Hailey has always enjoyed drawing pictures with the sidewalk chalk, and now Jayda has decided that she wants in on it too.

It must be time for an update for those of you who check in on us once in a while. Life has been busy and time is passing by in a hurry. The seeding is all done and we have started with the spraying this week. The crops are looking pretty good for this time of year, but they have been challenged what with wind and blowing dirt as well as frost when things were already up. We didn't have to do any re-seeding though. They would benefit from warmer temperatures. This morning it is raining and that is a good thing if only it won't rain too much more. So far we are just over an inch but it is still raining and the radar shows more on the way. We needed the rain though , the crops and gardens will be happy. The trees have leafed out and the apple trees are blooming. We have been enjoying fresh rhubarb and asparagus and spinach from the garden and the strawberries are promising a good crop, according to the blossoms that there are. We have spent some time at the cottage doing some projects there, stay tuned for pictures and updates on that front. We attended the wedding of our nephew last weekend and have been spending time with the kids and grandkids, and life is good . We feel blessed and have much to be thankful for. Enjoy the pictures of the girls, it seem like that is what we take the most pictures of . Jayda enjoys "stopping to smell the roses" so to speak.

Hailey enjoys watering and here she is wearing some dressup clothes from one of the dolls that we play with. Kristy wore these same clothes when she was 5.

And here is Norah, growing like a weed these days. She is now at least 8 lbs and doing well. Kristy and I are pretty sure we saw her smile the other day.
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At 10:56 AM, Blogger Scott and Kim said...

I'm glad to hear we're not the only ones having cool, rainy weather. Our tomatoes could definitely benefit from some sunshine too :)

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Kara said...

What beautiful girls you have. Enjoy the days of summer ahead.

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

It's nice to see Hailey & Jayda playing together. Hailey is looking so grown up! Won't be long & Norah will be joining them!
We received pretty much exactly 2 inches of rain in Morden - sure needed it. It's so good to see everything turning green & lush.

At 11:34 PM, Blogger Amber said...

aw, great pictures! you are such a wonderful grandma!! those 3 girlies are so blessed to have you in their lives!


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