Friday, April 25, 2008

Norah is HOME!

She's home, after 5 1/2 weeks in the hospital and still 4 weeks before her due date, Kristy and Graham brought Norah home on Wednesday afternoon. She is about 5 lbs and 3 oz by now and is eating well, and doing fine. She reached all her milestones and passed the necessary tests and so she was able to come home. Now Kristy and Graham are the sole care givers and can really start to feel like a Mommy and Daddy. They are doing fine and are happy to have Norah home and not have to run to the hospital all the time and be bound by that schedule. No doubt they will soon establish their own schedule at home. Norah is still tiny but we can see how much she has grown already.

Last night, Kerry and I went in and brought supper to Kristy and Graham and got to see her in her own space. Kristy and Graham were very relaxed and let us hold her and Kristy let me change and feed Norah when it was time. (sometimes she gets a bottle). It was a busy place there last night with Erik and Amber and the girls coming to visit as well as Shaun and Vicki and Graham's brother Matt. Hailey finally got her chance to see her first cousin and was quite pleased. Jayda wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about. Now that they are home, friends and family finally get a chance to come and meet this little sweetheart . Kristy and Graham will be sticking quite close to home yet for the next while and being pretty careful because she is still susceptible to infections and still needs to grow stronger and get lots of sleep.
We are very excited and happy that Norah is home and that she is doing so well. Thanks to all who have prayed and showed your love and concern for her and her mommy and daddy. We are praising God for this precious little bundle and giving thanks for how He has cared for her. We are also very thankful for the medical help and all those who cared for her in the hospital.
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