Monday, April 21, 2008

Holding Norah

After dealing with nasty colds for two weeks, Kerry and I finally got to go in and see Norah and Kristy and Graham again yesterday. We also delivered a dresser for their baby room that had been given them by Cal and Kim and that Vicki had painted. They are hoping the day that Norah gets to come home will be soon, maybe even this week if all goes well. She is feeding well and not having any episodes where her breathing stops and so now she has to pass the car seat test. We could see she had been growing and she is now about 4 lbs, 13 oz or so. She will get weighed again today. We got to the hospital for the 4:00 feeding and Kerry and Graham went in to get her ready, meaning to wake her up and change her diaper so that she is ready to eat. She got the first cuddle of the day from Daddy.
Kerry got his turn to hold her as well and he got to carry her over to the scale so she could be weighed before feeding . They weigh her before and after feeding so that they can tell how much she is getting. She still looks pretty tiny in Papa's hands .
After that it was Kristy's turn as she fed her. I got to change her diaper in between because she was fussing and Kristy wasn't sure if it was keeping her from eating. She fed well though and after that whole process, it was finally my turn to hold her and I got a good long cuddle with her. She snuggled right in and went to sleep, but compared to Jayda, she still feels pretty small and just a feather weight, but this Grammy was pretty pumped to get to hold her and show her some love. Just the first of many more opportunities once she comes home.
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At 10:01 AM, Blogger Amber said...

These are exciting pictures! Hailey loved them too....and I told her how COOL it was that she got to share Grammy Jo with Norah. She agreed :)


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