Saturday, July 21, 2007

One more time!

I wanted to post a couple more pictures of our flowers and garden but have been having trouble, so I guess I will just keep trying until it works.

Our clematis, which we think is more than 20 years old, keeps growing and blooming profusely. This year it climbed up to the eaves of the house and was covered in blossoms. We decided to add another plant beside it to add some contrasting flowers.

The snapdragons and petunias were all volunteers again this year, I just had to move them around to suit my fancy. In the front corner of the flowerbed I decided to just leave them and this is what it looks like. There is no lack of color there.

Our garden, (third picture) is looking really good this year and we have already enjoyed a lot of the "fruits" of it.

The last picture, shows some of our tomato plants that we have in the flower bed close to the house. There are a lot of tomatoes on them, but they need to start ripening. I am anticipating lots of toasted tomato sandwiches.
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At 11:05 AM, Blogger Scott and Kim said...

Wow, those are beautiful flowers! And I'm jealous of your huge garden. We just have tomatoes, jalepenos, basil, and dill this year....although that is a great start for salsa! We have already eaten a few tomatoes off of our plants, but can't wait until we no longer have to supplement our weekly stock with store bought ones.

Take care and we're looking forward to seeing you in August.

Love, Kim


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