Monday, July 16, 2007

Entertaining friends

We had the privilege in early July to host JohnDavid and Louise and sons Andrew, James and Aaron, friends from PA. We met them 2 years ago on our MDS trip and have visited them in their home and have kept in touch and so it was fun to be able to host them here and show them some of Manitoba. We picked them up in Wpg the day after they flew in and brought them out to Rosenort. The two oldest boys were very eager to have a ride on the big tractor, and it was okay that it was blue. We took them to a BBQ in their honor at Bert and Elma's, to which we had invited all the people who had worked with them on MDS too. The next day we all headed out to the cottage and enjoyed a relaxing weekend there with them, Ron and Eleanor, Bert and Elma, Erik,Amber and girls and Kristy and Graham. The weather was great and we enjoyed time in and on the water and visiting, eating and deepening our friendships. After the weekend they spent another night in rosenort at Bert and Elma's and then we got to see them again for lunch at the Cafe before they headed in to Wpg again, this time to spend the night with Ron and Eleanor before flying back home early Tuesday morning. It was a busy time but we enjoyed having them here and entertaining them as well as spending time with local friends.

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