Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I did it! I made relish in my little RV kitchen! Homemade relish is a staple at our house, not that we can't eat the bought stuff, but the homemade stuff is so much better, and so I wanted to make some again after the fire got my supply. At times I looked at the cucumbers in my garden and at my little kitchen and wondered, "What was I thinking?" Amber offered me the use of her kitchen and I thought I would take her up on it, but as I got into things, I figured I could manage here. And I did!
Yesterday I finally went into the garden to pick the cukes that I had been ignoring, and there were plenty, just the right size for making relish. Time to get to work. I washed the cukes, and then I phoned a friend to see if I could borrow her Braun machine and grinder again for the task. No problem there. Next I had to go to Morris and get some supplies. I needed to get these things anyway, so I might as well do it now. Let's see, I needed a large pot, some big bowls, and a colander. Luckily, I could find all I needed at Home Hardware. I had bought jars earlier on in anticipation of this event. Back at home I got to work again, getting my onions and peppers out of the garden, cutting all the veggies up, and grinding them, so that they could sit overnight for the flavors to blend.
This morning, I got to work and washed my jars, strained the veggies, and got out my new pot to start the brine cooking. The pot pretty much took up the whole stove, but it seemed to work, and soon the smell of relish filled the air.
It is just past 9:00 AM and the relish is done, and sitting on the table cooling, and I am hearing the snaps telling me that the jars are sealed. I love that sound! and I feel like I have accomplished something. Most times it is just a routine thing that I do in summer, but this time it was more of a challenge. I probably will make a couple more batches now that I know it is possible in a small RV kitchen and next year, I should be able to work in a beautiful new kitchen, with lots of space. I am learning to appreciate the "ordinary" things that I tended to take so for granted, and I think this relish will taste particularly good!!
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At 5:40 PM, Blogger sherri pauls said...

Good for you!! This made my day reading this. Andrew and I have been praying for you guys. Andrew is very protective of the relish you have given him! Must be amazing stuff. :)

At 11:04 PM, Blogger Char said...

Jo, you need to post your recipe! The relish looks beautiful -- I can almost smell it!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger grahamandkristy said...

Way to go mom!! I must say that I am not jealous that you had to sit in your RV for a few days with the smell of relish in the air - but I am looking forward to a bolgogne and relish sandwich at Christmas :)

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Amber. said...

Way to go!!! WOW. You are amazing. You must have such a great feeling of accomplishment. That last photo displays so much...more than just a few jars of (precious) relish. It shows your hard work & determination. It shows how you aren't giving up and you are coming though these hard times with your head held high. God is surely smiling down on you...that is such a pretty picture. I love the way you are relying on Him & the strength that only He can give. Love you Mom!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Kara said...

The relish looks very yummy. Homemade relish is really the only way to go - my mom does the same thing and store bought just doesn't measure up.

Very impressive that you were able to make all that relish in your little kitchen. Nice work.


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