Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 10

Things keep moving along, even though to the untrained eye there might not seem to be much progress. I am getting a good education in the processes of building a house, and so my eye is not so untrained anymore. It is just tougher to take pictures of the progress, but here are a few from this past week.
Our shower did arrive on Tuesday morning and got placed and built in in the next couple of days. The first part of our ensuite to be in place.
See the white stuff in the walls? That's insulation, and they got started with doing the walls on Friday. They also spent 2 days blowing the insulation into the attic on the house and garage, so it is sounding quieter in the house now when you go in.

There were also some doors installed. This is out front door, and we also had doors to the screen porch and out of the dining room installed. We had bought the door hardware, but turns out it is not the right stuff so we have to return it and get something else. We need to be able to close off the house to the outside world and the wildlife that inhabits our yard. There is a mother cat and 2 kittens that have been sleeping in the piled up insulation in the house. Not sure if I like the fact that someone else gets to sleep there before we do, even, or especially if it is cats. At least they didn't make a mess of things.

The garage ceiling got nailed out and drywall put on the wall between the house and garage.

Kerry and I made another trip to Grand Forks for drywall, and some trim for the siding on the outside of the house. The Hardie siding with which we will finish the outside was delivered as well. There was more work done on soffit, there seems to be a lot of that, and other less visible, but necessary jobs done. We did some more kitchen planning now that we had the measurements for our appliances and I have had paint pages lying around in the RV as I try and get a feeling for what kind of colors I would like to have in the house. I'm thinking I will have to decide that soon. Friday at noon we had our first meal out on the back deck. Kerry and I decided it was time to feed the construction crew and so we had a nice meal together out there. Friday afternoon I sat on the edge of the front porch and thought that it will be a good place to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea on an afternoon. There was shade, shelter from the wind and it just felt good, like it will be a good place to relax and enjoy. Let me know if you would like to come join me there sometime. Sunday morning Kerry and I wandered over there and sat on the back screen deck for a while and enjoyed the morning sunshine and it was nice. Too bad we had forgotten to take our coffee.

On the farming front, Kerry and Erik have been cleaning out grain bins in the mornings before the heat sets in, and hauling what they can to the elevator. The winter wheat is changing color and so it is time to get the combines out and get them checked out and ready for the harvest. I am picking peas from our garden, now that we can keep the deer out, and have been eating lettuce, and dug our first potatoes the other day. Waiting for the first ripe tomato, but I think that will be a while yet. So now it is Monday morning again, and another week underway, and I need to go and pick peas. Have a good week all, and keep your eyes open to see God's wonders. Enjoy!
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At 1:20 PM, Blogger Kara said...

Who knew a shower could be so exciting!!! You are soon going to be a pro at what is involved in building a house!

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Oooo it's been awhile since our last "inspection". I can see it is time for another one very soon. The progress looks GREAT!!


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