Saturday, May 26, 2007

Introducing Jayda

We are excited and happy to announce the safe arrival of Grand-daughter #2 .

Jayda Maecyn arrived on May 24, and weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz and measured 22 inches long, and she is beautiful! (of course) We are happy to finally get to meet her and start to spoil her too. She has an abundance of dark hair and though there are some resemblances to Hailey, I think she has her own look. Amber and Erik and Hailey are all doing fine and Hailey loves her little sister, and wants to hold her, and when she cries, she makes sure she does what she can to make her happy again, be it reading a book to her or even singing. Erik and Amber stoppped by last night on their way home from the hospital to pick up Hailey and so we could take some pictures. Jayda blissfully slept through it all. We brought them lunch today, and I got to hold her while everyone else ate, and later papa Kerry got his chance too, until she started fussing and letting us know that she was hungry too.
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At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the two of you! You look like experienced grandparents! It's such a blessing to see Jayda arrive safe & healthy. It was great to see her in person on Sunday. She's a doll!


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