Sunday, April 08, 2007

Homeward bound

We left early sunday morning for home. Jo says its time to go and stay there for a while.
The holiday has been wonderful with a variety of relaxation.
We had great driving weather and followed a path that led us to the Grand Canyon. The ride through Arizona deserts and forests and mountains and cactus and nothings and beauty was breathtaking. We took some of what we call little roads. The Grand Canyon weather was near perfect. We stayed much longer than we expected to. Very scenic and if God didn't make that, who did. Sure was not that little river at the bottom.
Next we moved on and travelled east towards the rockies. We crossed south of Denver on passes we had not crossed before. Up around 10,500ft you start to get quite a view and your glad you're not on a bicycle(atleast on the way up)

From there on to the foothills of the east slope. Colorado Springs and on to the rolling fields of Kansas. The beauty of the little towns in Kansas caught us by suprise. The very green winter wheat fields blowing in the wind was expected but the blooming trees, tulips,shrubs, and all the new spring green on the trees in town was a bonus.
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