Friday, February 09, 2007

Another group photo

Another week has come and gone and more has been accomplished. This Rosenort crew said the week was too short to get everything done that needed to. Most of them wished they had another week but commitments at home prevented that, and they left shortly afternoon, tired but with a sense of satisfaction in a job well done. It is hard to go home before the project is done. It was great to see these folks from home and catch up on some of the news from there. We got a cement pour done this week, thanks Krystle, for helping us get that ready. Work on the new build continued and before the gang left the plywood was down on the floor. Thanks guys!

Merle and Evan and Rey enjoyed the company of these folks while they put a new metal roof on their mobile home, and some of the girls painted their storage shed. Thanks Jill and Bev! Posted by Picasa


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yes I now consider myself a full fledged consruction worker!! :) Nice pictures, I can hardly wait to see more! Check out my blog sometime I did a little write up about MDS.


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