Thursday, January 11, 2007

Work has begun in earnest here and the days are flying by. Our group this week is from Illinois and they had a lot of mudding and taping to do in the two houses that we are working on. A new project that we signed on is in a little community called Grand Bayou, and it is outside the levee, and can only be accessed by boat. The lady whose home we will be working on is our boat driver and she has been devoting her days this week to transporting us to and fro on the water. She had a "happy, happy day", the day work started on her home. It has been a long process but she is anxious to come home. Most of or all of the homes in this community need
help but the process is long. It is a very unique place and the people have lived here for generations, so their roots go down deep. They are mostly fishermen in the summer and trappers in the winter. Looking across the bayou the land is almost as flat as at home, and the sunsets are beautiful.

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At 9:13 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Her house is outside the levee on a little piece of land a few feet out of the water and she is allowed to build there again because...........

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Between these updates with pictures, a few phone calls and e-mails back & forth we are staying well's really nice! We'll see how the communication keeps up around 6 or 7 weeks of you being gone ;)

Love you both!!
† Am, Erik & H


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