Saturday, February 03, 2007

Some of the big boys testing their kitchen skills. It looks like Jeff and Adrian could have done this every evening. We had groups working on 8 different sites this week but we have not moved any body in to their home yet. We hope that will be different by the end of Feb. The local people have been just wonderful to work with and have been a blessing to us. I can be very hard for the weekly crews to go home at the end of the week because you get attached to freinds you have to leave behind. We can understand why they live here even if the weather gets almost to freezing some nights. Right now at 728 saturday moring the temp is +6c. The middle picture you see Ian modeling his cajun coyboy boots. The group picture has quite a number missing seeing people sometimes don't understand when the project leader says to meet right away. You snooze you lose.

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At 11:11 AM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

It looks a bit chilly in these pictures.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Amber said...

It's SO nice seeing pictures of the group & the familiar faces that were there this week with you. I'm sure you are enjoying the 2 weeks of Rosenort groups coming.

Thanks for the sweet notes for Hailey & I. She was absolutely THRILLED about her gifts from you and the Dora books are all packed in the diaper bag ready to take to church tomorrow. Thanks so much!!!


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