Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 7

It was a BUSY week this past one. Much was happening and Kerry and I did well to keep up. It was quite tiring, but good to see. It started off on Sunday already when our friends from BC came to join us for a couple of days. We picked them up in Wpg and enjoyed the day with them, but Monday morning came too soon. Then it was work. They had come to do electrical and so together with the local electricians they got right to work. That meant Kerry and I had to decide where we wanted lights, what kind of lights, plug-in placement and all that electrical stuff. Monday morning we decided the upstairs, and Tuesday we did the basement. Lots of thinking involved, but I think we got it done okay, and haven't made any major changes since. By the end of the week there were a lot of switches, plug-ins and lights wired in both on the main floor and in the basement. Thanks Peter and Bev for coming out and working so hard to get things done, we just wish we had had more time to "play".
This week the plumbers showed up as well and so we had to make more decisions about all of that stuff, but we did what we needed and by the end of the week there was lots of plumbing in place as well.

Then, as if Monday wasn't busy enough, the window installers came. Those decisions we had made weeks ago, and now was our chance to see what we had done. We are quite happy with the windows we chose and ordered. I especially LOVE the living room window. It makes me smile .

Cal and crew spent time during the week getting the garage floor ready to pour, but with all the rain couldn't get the concrete crew lined up until Saturday morning, so 8:00 A.M. Saturday the floor pour got underway. It was a gorgeous day for the job and the crew in charge certainly knew what they were doing and made it look easy. By the end of the day there was a nice looking garage floor . There was also more work done on the deck areas, as well as soffit and fascia work on the south side of the house. It has been a challenge working around all the rain events, and trying to keep things somewhat dry and the crews working but things are still moving along and much was done this week. Kerry and I try to stay somewhat ahead of the game, but we do have a lot of those emergency decision making sessions. We spent some time researching and shopping for appliances but so far have not purchased, even though we are narrowing things down. We do supply runs every once in a while, and have to keep up with normal duties as well. Kerry got the canola fields sprayed this week, and I managed to get the garden tilled and in shape and the grass mowed a couple of times. We look forward to Sundays and time off and a chance to sleep in AND get a nap in the afternoon. Our days are full and busy, but we are thankful for what got done, and are still counting our blessings.
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At 6:15 PM, Blogger Kara said...

Wow. Those windows are incredible. I'm sure there will be many moments spent looking out them. The house is looking great :) It's amazing how much has changed in just a few weeks.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

What progress!! It is looking absolutely wonderful. It must be so exciting (among many other things, I'm sure) to see your home take shape. I can't believe how fast it has all happened...what a blessing!

I hope that you and Kerry are able to keep one step ahead of the crews, and that you will be confident in your emergency decisions. Each decision brings you one step closer to life being 'normal' sweet will that be! I hope the rest of this week goes smoothly.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

Ah yes! The living room windows are lovely. They remind me of the windows in some of the display homes we toured in PS! Looking good.


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