Saturday, June 06, 2009


Want to develop perseverance and character? Or strengthen your faith? Start farming! Every year presents many and varied challenges. This year is no different, in fact it seems like there are more obstacles than usual to overcome. It all started with the flood and having to wait......till the water was off the land and till the land was dry enough, and till things started warming up. (We're still waiting for the warm up, and haven't been able to put away those parkas and touques). We have some land inside the Rosenort dike and so we got that seeded early in May to canola, and then we waited again. It was almost dry and then it rained, and so we waited again, and crop insurance deadlines were approaching. We finally got going again on the 29th of May but it still wasn't very dry, so that presented more challenges, but Kerry and Erik persevered and things got done.
Another one of the challenges was getting used to a new seeder. They purchased a new twin disc seeder, and a used air cart and so much time was spent setting it up, while we were still surrounded by flood waters. Once we got it out onto the field there were more adjustments to be made. It works great in dry conditions, but can get really plugged if driving through mud. Kerry and
Erik have spent a lot of time underneath it, working to unplug things, ( I have washed MANY dirty jackets and pairs of jeans) and make adjustments so that it works in these less than ideal conditions. But we have been making progress and land is getting seeded. Some days and some fields haven't had so much down time, and there are a LOT of hours in a day.
Some fields were dry enough that there was dust raised behind the seeder.

My Farmer!


And so, the work continues and as of today, we are nearing the finish line. Only about 250 acres to do and Erik says that can get done today. The canola that we seeded early is well up and last night we got frost, and so there may be some re-seeding in the future.
We have seeded wheat, and soybeans, and not sure what seed will be put into the seeder today.

The challenges are many and some days it is hard to be optimistic and hopefull for a good crop. Some days there is hardly enough energy to face another problem. Other days, when the sun shines, the air is warm and things are working well, it is not so hard, life is good and we feel we will make it through once again. We have to trust in the One who is faithful and who has seen us through many other tough times. We still have so many blessings. I am drawn back to the verses that I claimed in '05 when times in farming were also tough.

Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign Lord is my strenth:

Habakkuk 3:17-19a
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