Wednesday, May 27, 2009


With the cool spring we have been experiencing we have also had the privilege of seeing a lot of birds come to frequent our feeders. We have them hung right outside of our living room window where we can see who comes to visit and we have seen quite a number of our feathered friends. They have provided quite a bit of enjoyment and entertainment for us and for the grandkids when they come. Papa says it is his responsibility to teach them about birds. I am amazed at the gorgeous colors and detail on these birds and I marvel at how God created them and so I praise him for the beauty of his creation.
I think my (our) favorites are the baltimore orioles. I just love the vivid color and whenever I see them at the feeder I stop to watch.

At one point we had three females all perched on the feeders at the same time. It is interesting to notice the pecking order of the birds. Generally the males and females don't eat at the same time. The males see to that!

We also enjoyed the red breasted grosbeak for a while but I think they have moved on by now, continuing their migration.
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At 8:47 PM, Blogger Dyck Family said...

I love your colorful bird pictures! They were so perfect I wondered if you'd actually taken them yourself!

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Lon and Pat said...

Very nice array of color. Nice pictures.


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